20–21 Feb 2023
RIKEN Wako campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Termination problem of the high-temperature Hydrogen burning

20 Feb 2023, 15:55
RIBF Large Meeting Room (RIKEN Wako campus)

RIBF Large Meeting Room

RIKEN Wako campus


Shigeru Kubono (RIKEN Nishina Center)


There are some critical waiting points along the possible rp-process under high-temperature and high-density condition beyond Ni56. It should be of great interest if the high temperature rp-process goes to the mass region of A~100, which would also affect to the light curve of x-ray bursts. I will discuss this termination problem with recent data from RIBF as well as from other laboratories and my old effort.

Primary author

Shigeru Kubono (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Presentation materials

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