List of speakers

Andrei Andreyev (University of York)"ISOLDE studies of the neutron-rich nuclides east of 208Pb"
Yoshihiro Aritomo (Kindai University)"Systematic study of fission process in heavy and superheavy mass regions related to multinucleon transfer reactions"
Masato Asai (JAEA)"Study of neutron-rich Fm and transfermium nuclei with 254Es target ant MNT"
Jonathan Bequet (CEA/DRF/Irfu/DPhN)"New paths for the study of heavy nuclei"
Maxime Brodeur (University of Notre Dame)"The N = 126 Factory"
Penghui Chen"Sehll effect in multinucleon transfer reactions"
Arno Claessens (KU Leuven)"Laser ionization of thorium via Rydeberg states in hypersonic gas jets"
Paul Constantin (ELI)"Simulations of MNT experiments with INCREASE (GSI) and IGISOL (JYFL)"
Timo Dickel (GSI)"MNT experiments with stable and secondary beams at the FRS and Super-FRS Ion Catcher"
Julia Even (University of Groningen)"What is NEXT? A setup to study Neutron-rich heavy, EXotic nuclei produced in multinucleon Transfer reactions"
Zhaoqing Feng (South China University of Technology)"Cluster transfer and cluster emission in massive transfer reactions"
Rafael Ferrer (KU Leuven)"High-resolution resonance ionization spectroscopy at the S3-Low Energy Branch of the GANIL-SPIRAL2 facility"
Kris Hagel (Texas A&M University)"Multi-Nucleon-Transfer and the production of Heavy Elements"
Yoshikazu Hirayama (KEK WNSC)"KISS for nuclear spectroscopy of MNT products"
Devaraja HM (JINR)"MNT studies with Velocity Filters"
Fedor Ivandikov (KU Leuven)"Simulation-aided offline optimization of the JetRIS apparatus"
Gonika Jangra (Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi)"Coupled reaction channel description of single-nucleon transfer in 40Ca + 96Zr"
Toshitaka Kajino (Beihang University)"Origin of the r-process elements in cosmic evolution and nuclear physics"
Anu Kankainen (University of Jyväskylä)"Production and studies of neutron-rich nuclei at IGISOL"
Alexander Karpov (JINR)"Status of MNT studies at JINR and perspectives"
Sota Kimura (KEK WNSC)"Current status and prospects of MNT study with helium gas-cell + MRTOF system towards N = 126 and 152"
Galina Knyazheva (JINR)"The experimental study of properties of MNT fragments formed in the reactions with 238U"
Chandra Kumar (Inter-University Accelerator Center, New Delhi)"Study of transfer reactions in 28Si + 140,142Ce using a recoil separator"
Teresa Kurtukian Nieto (CSIC-IEM)"Prospects of MNT studies at N = 126 for r-process nucleosynthesis with the ISOLDE Superconducting Reoil Separator"
Filip Kondev (ANL)"Studies of K Isomers using Multi-nucleon Transfer Reactions and Gammasphere"
Menglan Liu (Sun Yat-sen University)"Exploration on the effective nuclear force for the N > 126 nuclei"
Zhong Liu (IMP)"Status of the MNT program and its future plan at IMP"
Franziska Maier (FRIB/MSU)"Highly selective and high-flux MR-ToF mass separation"
Anabel Morales (IFIC)"Discovery of new ms-isomers in 213Tl and 215Tl at RIBF-RIKEN"
Momo Mukai (Nagoya University)"The progress of in-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy of neutron-rich tungsten isotopes"
Matthew Mumpower (LANL)"Actinide experimental efforts for uncovering the origin of the heaviest elements"
Katsuhisa Nishio (JAEA)"Separation of evaporation residues produced in MNT reactions using JAEA-Recoil Mass Separator"
Zsolt Podolyak (University of Surrey)"208Pb fragmentation at BigRIPS vs MNT reactions to produce N~126 nuclei"
Marco Rosenbusch (RIKEN Nishina Center)"The mrtof mass measurement project at BigRIPS"
Vyacheslav Saiko (JINR)"Theoretical investigation of multinucleon transfer reactions within the dynamic model based on Langevin equations"
Alisher Sanetullaev (New Uzbekistan University)"Exploring exotic nuclei via multinucleon transfer reactions using light neutron-rich beams"
Jan Saren (University of Jyväskylä)"Studies of MNT reactions at the Coulomb barrier with Jyväskylä in-flight separator"
Guy Savard (ANL)"Status of the Commissioning of the N = 126 factory at ANL"
Kazuyuki Sekizawa (TITech)"Microscopic approaches for multinucleon transfer reactions beyond TDHF: recent progress"
Praveen Srivastava (IIT Roorkee)"Shell model study of allowed and forbidden beta decay in the Pb region"
Gheorghe Iulian Steran (IPN Orsay)"NEWGAIN project"
Barbara Sulignano (CEA)"Synthesis of heavy nuclei in multinucleon transfer reaction 136Xe + 238U close to 0 degree"
Oleg Tarasov (MSU)"Production and discovery of high-Z neutron-rich isotopes at NSCL and FRIB"
Adrian Valverde (ANL)"Opportunities with the N = 126 Factory at Argonne National Laboratory"
Emanuele Vardaci (INFN, Naples)"MNT studies with TOF methods at GSI, JYFL and Dubna"
Yutaka Watanabe (KEK WNSC)"Future plan of KISS for spectroscopy of neutron-rich actinoids"
Dan Watts (University of York)"Photoinduced many proton knockout - a new method to access neutron rich nuclei?"
Jinn Ming Yap (RIKEN Nishina Center)"Operation and Perspectives of the ZeroDegree Helium Gas Catcher at RIKEN"
Cenxi Yuan (Sun Yat-sen University)"Configuration-Interaction Shell Model (CISM) Understanding of Medium and Heavy Mass Nuclei"
Alexandra Zadvornaya (University of Giessen)"Development and commissioning of the MNT gas cell for IGISOL"