[online] Sensitivity studies of the r-process rare-earth peak abundances to nuclear masses and beta-decay half-lives

30 Jul 2024, 10:30
Nishina Hall

Nishina Hall


Yifei Niu (Lanzhou University)


The sensitivities of the r-process rare-earth peak abundances to nuclear masses and beta-decay half-lives have been studied in different astrophysical scenarios. The most impactful nuclei are identified by varying nuclear masses and beta-decay half-lives, respectively. The impacts of nuclear mass as well as β-decay rate of an individual nucleus on the r-process rare-earth peak abundances are analyzed. The role of fission is discussed in details. This work provides recommended targets for future researches and thus helps to increase the understanding of rare-earth peak formation mechanism and the efficacy of the rare-earth peak as an r -process site diagnostic.

Primary author

Yifei Niu (Lanzhou University)

Presentation materials