Jun 13 – 17, 2016
Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Asymptotic giant branch stars as drivers of cosmic chemistry

Jun 17, 2016, 9:00 AM
1h 30m
Library Hall, Central Library (Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus))

Library Hall, Central Library

Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus)

Central Library, Niigata University (Ikarashi Campus), 8050 Ikarashi 2-nocho, Nishi-ku Niigata City, 950-2181, Japan
Invited Lecture Lugaro


Dr Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)


All stars born with mass between roughly 1 and 10 solar masses evolve through the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase before disappearing from sight as white dwarfs. On the AGB they synthetise elements in their deep, hot layers, mix them to the surface, and shed them into their surrounding by stellar winds. Through this series of processes(nucleosynthesis, mixing, and winds) AGB stars contribute to the chemical evolution of stellar groups and galaxies. Specifically, they significantly produce a number of light elements (from C and N up to Na), as well as roughly half of the cosmic abundances of the elements from Sr to Bi. I will explain the nucleosynthesis inside AGB stars focusing on the understanding of the complex interplay between H burning, He burning, and mixing, which makes this stellar evolutionary phase so unique. I will describe the operation of the neutron source reactions and the neutron-capture path during the slow (s) and intermediate (i) neutron-capture processes that produce the elements heavier than iron in these stars. Finally, I will present a selection of issue of current interest in the modelling and observables related to AGB stars, from stardust grains to globular clusters, and which nuclear input is required to better address them.

Primary author

Dr Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials