Arthur Choplin
(Geneva Observatory)
6/15/16, 3:30 PM
Short Talk
The CEMP-no stars (Carbon-Enhanced Metal-poor stars with no sign or weak signs for the presence of s- or r-elements) are long-lived small mass stars presenting a very low iron content and overabundances of carbon. Their chemically peculiar abundance pattern could be inherited from a previous massive star (the source star) that has lost mass through winds or at the time of the supernova....
Takayuki Miyagi
(Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo)
6/15/16, 3:40 PM
Short Talk
Owing to the recent computational progress, the medium-mass nuclei have been investigated recently by the ab initio methods such as the coupled-cluster method, in-medium similarity renormalization group approach, and self-consistent Green’s function method. Similarly to these methods, the unitary-model-operator approach (UMOA) can also be applied to the medium-mass nuclei. So far, we...
Jacqueline Den Hartogh
(Keele University)
6/15/16, 3:50 PM
Short Talk
After the central He burning in exhausted, stars with an initial mass of 1.5-3 solar masses start the AGB phase. In this phase, the s-process takes place, which is producing about half of all elements heavier than iron. Our non-rotating AGB stellar models calculated with MESA (see Battino et al., submitted) include a treatment of convective
boundary mixing based on the results of hydrodynamic...
Cathleen Fry
6/15/16, 4:00 PM
Short Talk
In classical novae, the 30P(p,g)31S reaction potentially acts as a bottleneck in nucleosynthesis flow to higher masses. Knowledge of this reaction rate is necessary for the modeling of elemental and isotopic ratios in classical novae, which affect proposed nova thermometers and presolar grain identification, respectively. While most of the resonance energies are known experimentally, the...
Eri Miyata
(graduate school of science Niigata University)
6/15/16, 4:10 PM
Short Talk
In order to improve the resolution of particle identification for radioactive beams, it is important to develop the high time resolution detector to measure TOF. We have developed the high time resolution TOF detector which detects the Cherenkov light emitted when RI beam passes through the high refractive index radiator. Generally, the plastic scintillation counter has been commonly used as a...
Vi Phong
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
6/15/16, 4:20 PM
Short Talk
Vi Ho Phong1,2, Shunji Nishimura1, Giuseppe Lorusso3,4, Jorge Agramunt5, Alejandro Algora5, Roger Caballero-Folch6, Francisco Calvino7, Guillem Cortes7, Thomas Davinson8, Iris Dillmann6, Alfredo Estrade9, Robert Grzywacz10, Gabor Kiss1, Keishi Matsui1, Fernando Montes12, Cesar Domingo Pardo5, Albert Riego8, Krzysztof Rykaczewski13, Jose Luis Tain5, Ariel Tarifeno Saldivia7, Alvaro Tolosa5,...