25–30 Jul 2016
Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

XYZ resonances at Belle

27 Jul 2016, 09:15
1F Centennial Hall (Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University)

1F Centennial Hall

Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University

Board: P-3-1


Kenkichi Miyabayashi (Nara Women's University)


In Belle experiment, many quarkonium-like exotic hadron candidates have been discovered, X(3872) in B meson decay, Y(4260) in initial state radiation, Zb(10610)+ and Zb(10650)+ in Upsilon(10860) decay and so on. This talk will review recent progress of relevant experimental studies as well as attempts to give a comprehensive interpretation for them.

Presentation materials