Plenary: 1
- Eulogio Oset
Plenary: 2
- Teiji Kunihiro
Plenary: 3
- Qiang Zhao
Plenary: 4
- Zoltan Fodor
Plenary: 5
- Elena Santopinto
Plenary: 6
- Shuangshi Fang
Plenary: 7
- Su-Houng Lee
Plenary: 8
- Takashi Nakano
Plenary: 9
- Shunzo Kumano
Plenary: 10
- Abhay Deshpande
Plenary: 11
- Reinhard Beck
Plenary: 12
- Reinhard Schumacher
Ralf W. Gothe
(University of South Carolina)
26/07/2016, 10:00
Meson-photoproduction measurements and their reaction-amplitude analyses can establish more sensitively, and in some cases in an almost model-independent way, the nucleon excitation and non-resonant reaction amplitudes. However, to investigate the strong interaction from explored โ where meson-cloud degrees of freedom contribute substantially to the baryon structure โ to still unexplored...
Yoshitaka Hatta
(Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University)
26/07/2016, 11:40
I review the recent progress in understanding the decomposition of the nucleon spin into the helicity and orbital angular momentum of quarks and gluons.
Kenkichi Miyabayashi
(Nara Women's University)
27/07/2016, 09:15
In Belle experiment, many quarkonium-like exotic hadron candidates have been discovered, X(3872) in B meson decay, Y(4260) in initial state radiation, Zb(10610)+ and Zb(10650)+ in Upsilon(10860) decay and so on. This talk will review recent progress of relevant experimental studies as well as attempts to give a comprehensive interpretation for them.
Shuangshi Fang
(Institute of Hig Energy Physis)
27/07/2016, 09:55
The BESIII experiment at the electron positron collider BEPCII in Beijing is successfully operating since 2008 and has collected large data samples in the tau-mass region, including the worldโs largest data samples at the J/psi and psi(2s) resonances. In particular decays of these two resonances provide a rich and clean environment to study hadrons consisting out of light quarks and search for...
Yoichi Ikeda
(RCNP, Osaka University)
27/07/2016, 10:35
The possible exotic meson $Z_{c}(3900)$, found in $e^+ e^-$ reactions, is studied by the method of coupled-channel scattering in lattice QCD. The interactions among $\pi J/\psi$, $\rho \eta_{c}$ and $\bar{D}D^{*}$ channels are derived from (2+1)-flavor QCD simulations at $m_{\pi}=410$-$700$ MeV. The interactions are dominated by the off-diagonal $\pi J/\psi$-$\bar{D}D^{*}$ and $\rho...
Bing-Song Zou
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
28/07/2016, 09:55
Observation of two hidden-charm pentaquark-like structures was reported by the LHCb Collaboration. Predictions and post-explanations of them will be reviewed. Further exploration of them and their partners will be discussed.
Stephan Paul
(TU Munchen)
28/07/2016, 11:40
The COMPASS spectroscopy program mostly foots on the use of hadron beams. Large data samples on diffractive production using incoming pions and kaons allow new insights into the spectrum of light and strange mesons. Large data samples also require the development of new analysis methods and close cooperation with phenomenologists. We present new results on the light meson spectrum obtained...
Qiang Zhao
28/07/2016, 12:20
Pawel Moskal
(Jagiellonian University)
29/07/2016, 09:15
Detector system WASA-at-COSY has been operated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in the years from 2006 till 2015. In this presentation we will report on recent results of the analyses of the meson production reactions in deuteron-deuteron and nucleon-nucleon collisions with spin-polarized and unpolarized beams, as well as results of analyses of hadronic and leptonic decays of ground state...
Hideko Nagahiro
(Nara Women's University)
29/07/2016, 09:55
In this talk, we shed light upon the mass of the eta' in nuclear matter in the context of partial restoration of chiral symmetry, pointing out that the U_A(1) anomaly effects causes the mass difference of eta'-eta necessarily through the chiral symmetry breaking. As a consequence, the mass of the eta' is expected to be reduced by order of 100 MeV in nuclear matter. We propose several reactions...
Reinhard Schumacher
(Carnegie Mellon University)
29/07/2016, 11:40
Knowing the structure of excited baryons is an important gateway to probing non-perturbative QCD. The CLAS system at Jefferson Lab has delivered a wealth of precise photo- and electro-production information about light-quark baryon structure. Examples from photoproduction of strange baryons that lead to insight about the non-strange N* spectrum will be discussed. Examples from...
Peter Kroll
(Universitaet Wuppertal)
30/07/2016, 09:55
After a brief introduction in the handbag approach, generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and hard subprocesses deeply virtual leptoproduction of pions will be discussed in some detail. It will be shown that a leading-twist analysis of this process fails drastically. A successful interpretation of the experimental data on pion production is however achieved by treating the pion-pole...
Marco Contalbrigo
(INFN Ferrara)
30/07/2016, 11:00
The investigation of the partonic degrees of freedom beyond collinear approximation and towards a 3D description of the hadron structure in the momentum space has been gained increasing interest in the last decade. In the recent years, several first measurements has been made which provide new insights on the parton dynamics within the nucleon or during fragmentation, e.g. related to orbital...
Rik Yoshida
(Jefferson Lab)
30/07/2016, 12:20
Our understanding of the theory of strong interaction, quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), has advanced enormously in the past decades. Both experimentally and theoretically, perturbative regime in QCD has been explored and understood at precision. At the same time, lattice QCD calculations have begun to yield many quantitative results on properties of hadrons. The experimental understanding of how...
Dmitri Liventsev
30/07/2016, 14:55
The Belle experiment was successfully running in KEK, Tsukuba, Japan until 2010. Now the detector is being upgraded and should start its operation in 2018. The talk is about the detector, SuperKEKB accelerator and physics at the Belle II experiment.
Johan Messchendorp
(KVI-CART/University of Groningen)
30/07/2016, 15:35
The physics of strong interactions is undoubtedly one of the most challenging areas of modern science. Quantum Chromo Dynamics is reproducing the physics phenomena only at distances much shorter than the size of the nucleon, where perturbation theory can be used yielding results of high precision and predictive power. At larger distance scales, however, perturbative methods cannot be applied...
Hiroyuki Noumi
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University)
30/07/2016, 16:40
The Hadron Experimental Facility (HEF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) provides the world highest intensity hadron beams, such as kaons, pions, and so on, for various experimental researches in particle and nuclear physics. Currently, HEF operates two charged and one neutral secondary beam lines, K1.8, K1.1, and K0, sharing secondary beams produced at a primary...