Sep 6 – 7, 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Beta-delayed proton emission of 73Sr and the effective half-life of 72Kr in stellar conditions

Sep 6, 2016, 5:10 PM

RIBF 201



Mr Giuseppe Lorusso (RIKEN)


With a beta-decay half-life of 17s, 72Kr is a main waiting point for the rp-process in accreting neutron stars. The effective half-life in stellar environment could be, however, significantly reduced by the 72Kr(2p,g)74Sr reaction. To accurately model the rp-process flow in this reaction channel, the proton separation energy of the proton unbound nucleus 73Rb is required. In the experiment, 73Sr was produced by fragmentation of a 124Xe beam and implanted in the silicon detectors of WASABi. The beta decay of 73Sr produces 73Rb and the energy of the proton emitted can be measured by the silicon detector with a resolution of ~20 keV. The talk reports on the status of the data analysis of the experiment.

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