Yoshitaka Fujita
(Research Center for Nuclear Physics (Toyonaka), Osaka Univeristy)
9/6/16, 3:30 PM
Isospin symmetry is based on the almost identical `behavior' of
proton and neutron in terms of the strong interaction.
However, due to isospin breaking interactions, including
electro-magnetic interaction, slight asymmetry is associated with
the nuclear structure of mirror nuclei.
We have been studying Tz=\pm 1-->0, Tz=\pm 3/2-->\pm 1/2, and
Tz=\pm 2-->\pm 1 mirror Gamow-Teller (GT)...
Daiki Nishimura
(Tokyo University of Science)
9/6/16, 3:55 PM
Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions play important roles in the studies of nuclear structure and nucleosynthesis. In the A = 58 isobars, the GT transition strengths to the states in 58Cu have been measured by high-resolution 58Ni(3He,t)58Cu reactions of ΔE ~ 30 keV. In order to discuss isospin symmetry in the A = 58 isobars, we studied the β decay of 58Zn. In addition, the β decay of 58Zn has the...
Alejandro Algora
(IFIC (CSIC-Univ. Valencia))
9/6/16, 4:15 PM
The main goal of the RIBF93 experiment is the study isospin symmetry and isoscalar pn-pairing in A~70 region. The experiment was performed in June 2015 as part of the EURICA campaign using the high intensity 78Kr beam provided by RIKEN.
In this talk the motivations and the status of the analysis of the RIBF93 experiment will be presented. From the produced isotopes we have started the...
Giuseppe Lorusso
9/6/16, 5:10 PM
With a beta-decay half-life of 17s, 72Kr is a main waiting point for the rp-process in accreting neutron stars. The effective half-life in stellar environment could be, however, significantly reduced by the 72Kr(2p,g)74Sr reaction. To accurately model the rp-process flow in this reaction channel, the proton separation energy of the proton unbound nucleus 73Rb is required. In the experiment,...
Bertram Blank
(CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan)
9/6/16, 5:35 PM
In pioneering experiments at GANIL and GSI, this 2p radioactivity was discovered in 2002 and meanwhile 45Fe, 48Ni and 54Zn are established 2p emitters.
After these discovery experiments, the investigation of 2p radioactivity was continued with time-projection chambers to study the decay dynamics via measurements of the individual proton energies and the relative proton-proton emission...
Paul Davies
(University of York)
9/7/16, 9:00 AM
There are a significant number of isomeric states in the region close to the N=Z line and immediately below 100Sn, some of which may decay via particle emission. The study of these states yields vital experimental data on neutron-proton (np) pairing, provides a sensitive test for nuclear models, and input for understanding the astrophysical rp-process.
This presentation will report on...
Daniel Lubos
(Technische Universität München)
9/7/16, 9:25 AM
100Sn is the heaviest doubly magic N=Z nucleus. Calculations in the extreme single particle
model predict a pure Gamow-Teller transition [1] and more recent realistic large scale shell model
(LSSM) calculations also show that this transition is fragmented by less than 5% [2]. Thus, the
transition 100Sn ! 100In is the ideal playground in order to derive the full transition strength...
Jason Park
(University of British Columbia / TRIUMF)
9/7/16, 9:45 AM
The doubly-magic 100Sn stands as a testing ground for many topics of nuclear structure, such as N = Z = 50 shell strength in proximity to the proton dripline, and evolution in the single particle structure and shell evolution. For decades, these have been actively investigated in both theoretical and experimental efforts. In order for modern large-scale shell model calculations with...