Sep 6 – 7, 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Decay studies of high-spin isomers in the mass 90 region

Sep 7, 2016, 9:00 AM

RIBF 201



Dr Paul Davies (University of York)


There are a significant number of isomeric states in the region close to the N=Z line and immediately below 100Sn, some of which may decay via particle emission. The study of these states yields vital experimental data on neutron-proton (np) pairing, provides a sensitive test for nuclear models, and input for understanding the astrophysical rp-process. This presentation will report on results from the ribf83 experiment performed at RIKEN. Nuclei of interest were produced from a primary beam of 124Xe and identified using BigRIPS. The active stopper SIMBA, a stack of 3 highly segmented double sided silicon detectors and beta-particle calorimeter, was used to identify β decays from implanted ions and extract Q values for the decay. Coincident gamma-rays were recorded by EURICA, an array of high purity germanium detectors. The results of gamma-ray spectroscopy from the β-delayed proton decay of 96Cd and 98In will be presented and compared to shell model calculations and WKB estimates. Results of a gamma-ray decaying isomer identified in 96Cd will also be presented and compared to r3gds shell-model calculations. The results of a Geant4 simulation, that was employed to extract the Q value of the β decay of 94Ag, will also be presented, along with the results of conversion electron spectroscopy, used to measure the lifetimes of states in 95Ag.


The results of gamma-ray spectroscopy from the β-delayed proton decay of 96Cd and 98In will be presented and compared to shell model calculations and WKB estimates. Results of a gamma-ray decaying isomer identified in 96Cd will also be presented and compared to r3gds shell-model calculations. The results of a Geant4 simulation, that was employed to extract the Q value of the β decay of 94Ag, will also be presented, along with the results of conversion electron spectroscopy, used to measure the lifetimes of states in 95Ag.

Primary author

Dr Paul Davies (University of York)

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