Program Last update: July 3, 2019 at 22:55 (JST)
50 min talk = 40 min talk + 10 min questions
30 min talk = 25 min talk + 5 min questions
20 min talk = 17 min talk + 3 min questions
1st week (July 18-19th)
Place: Okochi Hall, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan
July 18 (Thu.)
9:00 | - | 9:50 | -- Registration -- | |
9:50 | - | 10:00 | Shigehiro Nagataki (RIKEN) "Opening Address" | |
10:10 | - | 11:00 | Roger Blandford (KIPAC, Stanford University) "Electromagnetic Jets, Ejection Disks and the Black Hole Shadow in M87" | |
11:00 | - | 11:30 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
11:30 | - | 12:00 | Akira Mizuta (RIKEN) "BH spin parameter dependence for episodic Alfven pulse generation from BH accretion disks" | |
12:00 | - | 12:30 | Jin Matsumoto (Fukuoka University) "Acceleration of Relativistic Jets with Toroidal Magnetic Field Reversals by Magnetic Dissipation" | |
12:30 | - | 14:00 | -- Lunch -- | |
14:00 | - | 14:30 | Omer Bromberg (Tel Aviv University) "On the dissipation of EM energy in relativistic jets" | |
14:30 | - | 15:00 | Asaf Pe'er (Bar Ilan University) "Relativistic jets formation and collimation: status on theory and numerical simulations" | |
15:00 | - | 15:30 | Christopher Irwin (Tel Aviv University) "Jet-driven bubbles in Fanaroff-Riley type I sources" | |
15:30 | - | 16:00 | -- Coffee Break-- | |
16:00 | - | 16:30 | David Eichler (Ben-Gurion University) "Are Dim GRBs Different from Bright GRBs?" (online presentation via Zoom) | |
16:30 | - | 17:00 | Chi-Ho Chan (The Hebrew University) "Tidal disruption events in active galactic nuclei" | |
17:00 | - | 17:20 | Kojiro Kawanaka (University of Tokyo) "Emission from thermonuclear explosions in white dwarf TDEs" | |
17:20 | - | 17:50 | Yoshiyuki Inoue (RIKEN) "Detection of Coronal Magnetic Activity in Nearby Active Supermassive Black Holes" |
July 19 (Fri.)
9:30 | - | 10:00 | Kenji Toma (Tohoku University) "M87 black hole shadow image and its connection with the radio jet" | |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Noemie Globus (New York University/Flatiron Institute) "On the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays" | |
10:30 | - | 11:00 | Katsuaki Asano (University of Tokyo) "Stochastic turbulence acceleration of particles in high-energy objects" | |
11:00 | - | 11:30 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
11:30 | - | 12:00 | Susumu Inoue (RIKEN) "High-energy neutrinos from active galactic nuclei" | |
12:00 | - | 12:20 | Toshikazu Ebisuzaki (RIKEN) "Astrophysical Wake Acceleration Driven by Relativistic Alfvenic Pulse Emitted from Bursting Accretion Disk" | |
12:20 | - | 14:00 | -- Lunch -- | |
14:00 | - | 14:30 | Haoning He (RIKEN) "On the Origin of IceCube Observed High Energy Neutrinos" | |
14:30 | - | 15:00 | Ryo Yamazaki (Aoyama Gakuin University) "Toward the generation of magnetized collisionless shocks with high-energy lasers" | |
15:00 | - | 15:30 | Tatsuya Matsumoto (The Hebrew University) "Generalized compactness limit from an arbitrary viewing angle and its application to GRB170817A" | |
15:30 | - | 16:00 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
16:00 | - | 16:30 | Ore Gottlieb (Tel Aviv University) "The structure of hydrodynamic GRB jets" | |
16:30 | - | 17:00 | Oliver Just (RIKEN) "Remnant disks of neutron-star mergers" | |
17:00 | - | 17:30 | Kyohei Kawaguchi (University of Tokyo) "On possible diversity of kilonova lightcurves" | |
17:30 | - | 17:50 | Haoxiang Lin (University of Tokyo) "The efficiency of electron acceleration in GW170817 afterglow" |
2nd week (July 22-23th)
Place: Integrated Innovative Building (IIB), RIKEN, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
July 22 (Mon.)
9:30 | - | 10:00 | Norita Kawanaka (Kyoto University) "Instability in Neutrino Dominated Accretion Flows and Application to Gamma-ray Bursts" | |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew University) "GRB's Rosseta Stone -- the sub-TeV emission" | |
10:30 | - | 11:00 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
11:00 | - | 11:30 | Amir Levinson (Tel Aviv University) "Efficient photospheric emission entailed by formation of a collimation shock in GRBs" | |
11:30 | - | 12:00 | Hirotaka Ito (RIKEN) "Numerical simulation of photospheric emission in GRBs" | |
12:00 | - | 12:30 | Hamidani Hamid (Kyoto University) "Jet propagation and cocoon emission in neutronstar mergers and GW170817" | |
12:30 | - | 14:00 | -- Lunch -- | |
14:00 | - | 14:30 | Jonathan Granot (The Open University of Israel) "Gamma-Ray Burst Polarization" | |
14:30 | - | 15:00 | Ramandeep Gill (The Open University of Israel) "Polarization and afterglow of structured jet" | |
15:00 | - | 15:30 | Kazuya Takahashi (Kyoto University) "Inverse reconstruction of jet structure from off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglows" | |
15:30 | - | 16:00 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
16:00 | - | 16:30 | Donald Warren (RIKEN) "A semi-analytical GRB afterglow with thermal electrons" | |
16:30 | - | 17:00 | Shota Kisaka (Tohoku University) "Pair multiplicity in the black hole magnetosphere" | |
17:00 | - | 17:30 | Kazumi Kashiyama (University of Tokyo) "Optically thick rotating magnetic wind from a massive white-dwarf merger product" | |
18:30 | - | 21:00 | -- Discussion with Dinner -- |
July 23 (Tue.)
9:30 | - | 10:00 | Yutaka Fujita (Osaka University) "High Energy Phenomena in Galaxy Clusters" | |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Uri Keshet (Ben-Gurion University) "Virial shocks around galaxy clusters" | |
10:30 | - | 11:00 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
11:00 | - | 11:30 | Nir Shaviv (The Hebrew University) "Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the Dynamic Galaxy -- From Dark matter to Dinosaurs" | |
11:30 | - | 12:00 | Nagisa Hiroshima (RIKEN) "Modeling dark matter substructure and annihilation boost" | |
12:00 | - | 12:30 | Koutarou Kyutoku (Kyoto University) "Measuring tidal deformability of neutron stars with numerical relativity" | |
12:30 | - | 14:00 | -- Lunch -- | |
14:00 | - | 14:30 | Kentaro Takami (Kobe City College of Technology) "NR Waveforms from BNS Mergers and the Utilizations" | |
14:30 | - | 14:50 | Yongjia Huang (RIKEN) "Binary neutron star merger simulation and Gravitational wave signal" | |
14:50 | - | 15:20 | Akihiro Suzuki (NAOJ) "Dynamical evolution of supernova ejecta with a central energy source" | |
15:20 | - | 15:50 | -- Coffee Break -- | |
15:50 | - | 16:10 | Nobuya Nishimura (Kyoto University) "R-process Nucleosynthesis in the jet-like explosion of core-collapse supernova" | |
16:10 | - | 16:30 | Conor Omand (University of Tokyo) "Radio and Submillimetre Constraints on the Pulsar-Driven Supernova Model" | |
16:30 | - | 17:00 | Noemie Globus (New York University/Flatiron Institute) "General summary and concluding remarks" |