18–22 Oct 2021
Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Global Analysis of SSAs and the Impact of the EIC on Tensor Charge Extractions

21 Oct 2021, 07:00
Room 601 (Kunibiki Messe)

Room 601

Kunibiki Messe

Parallel Session Presentation Transverse momentum structure (TMD) Joint TMD - GPD - HELCITY - Future session US timezone


Alexei Prokudin


We perform the first simultaneous QCD global analysis of data from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering, Drell-Yan, e+e- annihilation into hadron pairs, and proton-proton collisions. Consequently, we are able to extract a universal set of nonperturbative functions that describes the observed asymmetries in these reactions. The outcome of our analysis indicates single transverse-spin asymmetries in high-energy collisions have a common origin. We study the impact of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) on the phenomenological extraction of the tensor charge from a QCD global analysis of single transverse-spin asymmetries (SSAs). We generate EIC pseudo-data for the Collins effect in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering for proton and H3e beams across multiple center-of-mass energies. We find a significant reduction in the uncertainties for the up, down, and isovector tensor charges that will make their extraction from EIC data on SSAs as precise as current lattice QCD calculations. We also analyze the constraints placed by future data from the proposed SoLID experiment at Jefferson Lab, discuss its important complementary role to the EIC, and present the combined impact from both facilities.

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