We report preliminary results from the first measurement of a novel beam-spin asymmetry involving the back-to-back production of a target-fragmentation proton and current-fragmentation $\pi^+$. Non-zero $\sin \Delta \phi$ moments for the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering process, $ep \rightarrow P \pi^+ X$, where the $\Delta \phi$ is the difference of azimuthal angles between the two hadrons, indicate that spin-orbit correlations between target and current fragments may be significant. The dependence of the modulation on the product of transverse momenta of two hadrons is consistent with predictions based on the fracture function formalism. Data was taken with the upgraded CLAS12 detector at Jefferson Lab where a 10~GeV electron was scattered off of a liquid hydrogen target during two run periods in 2018 and 2019.