18–22 Oct 2021
Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

SpinQuest Polarized Target: An Overview

22 Oct 2021, 08:40
Room 401 (Kunibiki Messe)

Room 401

Kunibiki Messe

Parallel Session Presentation Polarized Sources and Targets Polarized Sources and Targets


Ishara Fernando (University of Virginia)


The SpinQuest experiment at Fermilab aims to extract Sivers functions for the sea quarks in the range of 0.1 < $x_B$ < 0.5 through single spin asymmetry measurements of di-muon pairs resulting from the Drell-Yan process. The proposed beam intensity is 1.5 × 10$^{12}$ of 120 GeV unpolarized proton/sec. The experiment utilizes a transversely polarized fixed target system which consist of a 5T superconducting magnet, NH3 and ND3 targets, a 4He evaporation refrigerator, a 140 GHz microwave source and a large pumping system. The expected average target polarization is 80% for protons, and 32% for deuterons. The polarization will be measured using Q-meter based NMR system. An overview of the polarized target system, including polarization measurements will be presented in this talk.

Primary authors

Ishara Fernando (University of Virginia) Dustin Keller (University of Virginia) Zulkaida Akbar (University of Virginia) Anchit Arora (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials