30 June 2011 to 2 July 2011
RIBF conference room
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The EURICA Project: a new proposal at RIBF

1 Jul 2011, 16:30
RIBF conference room

RIBF conference room


Dr Shunji Nishimura (Researcher)


A EURICA (Euroball RIKEN Cluster Array) is a project to combine the world's stronget radioactive isotope beam facility (RIBF) and the euroball cluster array used at the GSI (RISING), pending a later decision by the GAMMAPOOL steering committee. The main objective of the EURICA is to perform stopped beam campaigns to study isomer and beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei. There are also possible scientific programs such as fast beams, degraed beams and g-factor measurements, which is also under the discussion. Here, status and some ideas of the EURICA will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Shunji Nishimura (Researcher)

Presentation materials

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