30 June 2011 to 2 July 2011
RIBF conference room
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Pygmy dipole resonance within the fully self-consistent Skyrme-RPA

1 Jul 2011, 09:30
RIBF conference room

RIBF conference room


Dr Tsunenori Inakura (RIKEN)


We have carried out systematic calculations of the electric dipole modes up to mass A=110 region using Skyrme-Hartree-Fock plus RPA approach in fully self-consistent manner. We solved the RPA equation in 3D coordinate space for both spherical and deformed nuclei. We found that the low-angular momentum orbit in neutron-rich nuclei is a key ingredient for emergence of low-lying dipole mode, which is often called pygmy dipole resonance (PDR). The PDRs in light nuclei consist of the single-particle excitations to continuum states. On going to heavier nuclei, the PDRs obtain the collectivity, namely, are made of superposition of the single-particle excitations to loosely bound orbit. We also found that the photoabsorption cross sections cumulated up to 10 MeV has a strong correlation with the neutron skin thickness in all isotope when the PDR grows up. This means that the cross section can be a good indicator to measure the neutron skin thickness.

Primary author

Dr Tsunenori Inakura (RIKEN)


Kazuhiro Yabana (Univ. of Tsukuba) Takashi Nakatsukasa (RIKEN)

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