Rudrajyoti Palit
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Discrete gamma ray spectroscopy using large array of Compton suppressed high purity germanium detectors continues to provide new insights on the structure and dynamics of the nuclear systems. The Indian National Gamma Detector Array(INGA) is set up at TIFR-BARC accelerator facility at Mumbai, as a part of a collaboration between BARC, IUAC, SINP, TIFR, UGC-CSR-KC, VECC and different Universities. The array is designed for 24 Compton suppressed clover detectors providing around 5% photopeak efficiency. INGA along with other ancillary detectors using analogue electronics and CAMAC based data acquisition system has been used for the investigation of variety of nuclear structure phenomena, e.g., shape coexistence, magnetic/anti-magnetic rotation, chiral rotations, coupling of gamma vibration with other modes, high spin states of neutron rich nuclei in sd-shell, and isomers near shell closure. Recently, a PCI-PXI based digital data acquisition system with 96 channels has been implemented for this Compton suppressed clover array. The system has been tested with 64 channels with the event rate up to 125 kHz with 2-fold coincidence rate among any two crystals. Inclusion of a fast timing array and a charged particle array with the INGA is planned. The timing properties of fast scintillator detectors with the existing DDAQ have been investigated. This will facilitate the lifetime measurements of isomeric states from 1 nsec to few microsec during the usual gamma-gamma coincidence measurement. Conventional systems with analog shaping has being replaced by digital system that provides higher throughput, better energy resolution and better stability for the multi-detector Compton suppressed clover array. The results from the initial in-beam experiments of the complete set-up and scope for the future nuclear structure and reaction measurements will be presented.
Primary author
Rudrajyoti Palit
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)