Kosuke Nomura
(University of Tokyo)
01/07/2011, 10:30
Invited talk
Spectroscopic calculations are carried out for medium-heavy nuclei in terms of
the interacting boson model determined microscopically.
Recent results relevant to the nuclear shape evolution in various mass region
will be presented in comparison with the experiments. The results include the predictions on exotic nuclei.
Michal Ciemala
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland)
01/07/2011, 11:00
The study of the properties of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) at high temperature and angular momentum is one of the central topics in nuclear structure as it provides insight into the behavior of nuclei under extreme conditions. The wealth of experimental data on this subject covers in most cases an interval of temperatures up to 2.5 MeV and is mainly based on the study of the GDR...
Masayuki Matsuzaki
(Fukuoka University of Education)
01/07/2011, 11:20
Contribution talk
Two phonon $\gamma$ vibrational states in even-even nuclei were observed
in a few nuclides in the rare-earth region and stimulated many theoretical
studies in the 80s and 90s but those in rotating odd-$A$ nuclei were observed
only recently. Distribution of the two phonon $\gamma$ vibrational collectivity
in the rotating triaxial neutron-rich odd-$A$ nucleus, $^{103}$Nb,
is calculated...
Kazuko Sugawara-Tanabe
01/07/2011, 11:40
Contribution talk
For the triaxially strongly deformed bands over odd-A Lu isotopes and 167Ta, we have made a quite good success in explaining both the energy level scheme and the strength of E2 and M1 transitions based on the top-on-top model with the angular momentum dependent moments of inertia, where the Coriolis coupling between the rotating core top and the single-particle top is explicitly considered. We...