Rudrajyoti Palit
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
02/07/2011, 13:30
Invited talk
Discrete gamma ray spectroscopy using large array of Compton suppressed high purity germanium detectors continues to provide new insights on the structure and dynamics of the nuclear systems. The Indian National Gamma Detector Array(INGA) is set up at TIFR-BARC accelerator facility at Mumbai, as a part of a collaboration between BARC, IUAC, SINP, TIFR, UGC-CSR-KC, VECC and different...
Eiji Ideguchi
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
02/07/2011, 14:00
Contribution talk
Nuclear superdeformation is a unique testing ground for the shell structure at extreme deformation. In the light mass region, superdeformed (SD) states were investigated along the N=Z line and a new ‘island’ of SD nuclei was found around A~40 nuclei (i.e., 36Ar[1], 40Ca[2], and 44Ti[3]). Presences of these SD bands indicate the SD shell gaps at N=Z=18, 20, and 22. To clarify the SD shell...
Makito Oi
(Senshu University)
02/07/2011, 14:20
Contribution talk
By means of angular momentum projection, HFB states corresponding to SD states of Ca and Ar isotopes are quantized. Energy levels are calculated, and the relevant nuclear structure is analyzed from a dynamical point of view.
(RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, RIKEN)
02/07/2011, 14:40
Contribution talk
Structures of low-lying states in 42Ca have been studied focusing on deformations and clustering using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and the generator coordinate method (GCM).
Energy variation with constraints on quadrupole deformation parameter and inter-cluster distance between and 38Ar clusters obtain GCM basis, which have deformed and {38Ar cluster structures, respectively....