3–5 Apr 2008
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Isomeric states in stable and neutron-rich odd-A Sb and I isotopes

3 Apr 2008, 17:40
2h 20m
Nishina Hall (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

RIKEN Nishina Center

RIKEN Wako, Japan
Board: 7
Poster Single particle motion in isomeric states Poster


Dr Hiroshi Watanabe (RIKEN)


Isomeric states in atomic nuclei are unique probes which reveal various aspects of the microscopic structure of the nucleus and the nature of nuclear interactions. This presentation will focus on characteristic isomers in stable and neutron-rich odd-A antimony and iodine isotopes. The nuclei of interest were investigated by means of time-correlated gamma-ray spectroscopy with the GAMMASPHERE array, in combination with deep-inelastic reactions with 136Xe beams incident on thick targets. New results achieved in the present work include the identification of new isomers in 131,133I and odd-A Sb isotopes with the mass range A=121-127. For the stable nucleus 121Sb, complementary experiments were carried out using 7Li beams at ANU. These features will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Hiroshi Watanabe (RIKEN)

Presentation materials

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