Apr 3 – 5, 2008
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to send you the final circular of the CNS-RIKEN Joint Symposium on
"Frontier of gamma-ray spectroscopy and Perspectives for Nuclear Structure Studies
(gamma08)", to be held at Nishina Hall in RIKEN Wako campus from April 3--5, 2008.

Registration desk will open from 9:00 on April 3 and the symposium will start from
9:30 and end in the evening of April 5.  The registration fee is 7,000 yen which should
be paid upon arrival in Japanese currency.

Tentative program is available on the web,


For presentation, we will prepare windows PC and MAC. It is recommended to put
presentation file to the PC in advance of presentation. Presenters can also use
their own laptop.

For further details about the symposium, please visit our web page at

Access from the Narita Airport to RIKEN:
It takes about 2.5 hours from the Narita airport to RIKEN by train.
Detailed information is available in the web page below.

Campus map (location of Nishina Hall):

Host Institutes:
* Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo (CNS)
* RIKEN Nishina Center

Email:  gamma08@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Fax:    +81-48-464-4554
Postal Address: Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), University of Tokyo
                2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan

We look forward to seeing you at RIKEN in April 2008.

Organizing Committee
  Eiji Ideguchi (CNS, Chairperson), N. Aoi (RIKEN), S. Michimasa (CNS),
  H. Scheit (RIKEN), A. Odahara (Osaka), T. Koike(Tohoku), T. Ishii(JAEA),
  T. Nakatsukasa(RIKEN), S. Shimoura(CNS), T. Motobayashi(RIKEN),
  T. Otsuka(CNS/Tokyo)