Tsunenori Inakura
(Univ. fo Tsukuba)
Radioactive isotope facilities of the new generation enable
us to access unexplored territories of unstable nuclei with
large neutron excess. Theoretical studies and predictions
of properties of unknown nuclei are important subjects in
nuclear structure physics. In order to clarify peculiarities
of these exotic nuclei, we need systematic calculations
across the entire nuclear chart. The nuclear density-functional
approach provides a promising tool for this purpose. So far,
the ground-state properties of even-even nuclei have been
investigated with use of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculation.
Systematic investigations for excited 2^+ states have been
recently done with a few groups using different methods and
different functionals
We have carried out systematic calculations of the electric
dipole modes of excitation up to Ni isotopes in the
self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) plus RPA approach.
We solve the equations in the three-dimensional Cartesian-coordinate-mesh
representation without any spatial symmetries. The fully
self-consistent RPA are realized using an iterative method
we have recently developed; the finite amplitude method (FAM).
The method allows us to treat both spherical and deformed nuclei
on an equal footing and simultaneously to avoid explicit
evaluations of complex residual fields. We will show systematics
of the centroid energies, widths, and deformation splitting of
the giant dipole resonances, in comparison with experiments.
We also discuss variations of the low-lying dipole mode in
neutron-rich and proton-rich nuclei.
Primary author
Tsunenori Inakura
(Univ. fo Tsukuba)
Kazuhiro Yabana
(Univ. fo Tsukuba)
Takashi Nakatsukasa