Thorsten Kroell
(TU Muenchen)
Experiments with exotic nuclei are the essential tool to investigate nuclear
structure far-off stability. In particular, our research programme focuses on
the study of the evolution of magic shell closures. These may change or even
(dis)appear globally as function of isospin or locally because of a variation
of the residual interactions.
An important instrument for our studies employing gamma-ray spectroscopy is
the highly efficient MINIBALL spectrometer consisting of 8 triple clusters of
six-fold segmented HPGe crystals, each of them encapsulated individually in a
vacuum-tight Al can. The clusters can be arranged in different configurations
allowing to adapt the set-up to the experimental requirements. Furthermore,
MINIBALL pioneered the use of digital electronics for gamma-ray spectroscopy.
As experimental tools we utilised "safe'' Coulomb excitation and nucleon
transfer reactions as well as nucleon knockout reactions at relativistic beam
energies. The experiments have been performed at REX-ISOLDE (CERN,
Switzerland) and GSI (Darmstadt, Germany).
This contribution centres on recent results from the study of the region of the
"island of inversion'", neutron-rich Ca and Ti isotopes for which a new shell
closure is predicted at N=34 (or 32), the shell evolution from N=40 to N=50
for neutron-rich Ni, Cu and Zn isotopes, and the quadrupole collectivity of
nuclei in the vicinity of the doubly-magic 132Sn.
We will present the status of the research programmes and discuss the
perspectives for future experiments.
* This work is supported by the German BMBF under grant 06MT238, by the
EU through EURONS (contract No. RII3-CT-2004-506065), and by the DFG cluster
of excellence Origin and Structure of the Universe (www.universe-cluster.de).
Primary author
Thorsten Kroell
(TU Muenchen)