3–5 Apr 2008
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Effects of thermal fluctuations and angular momentum on nuclear pairing properties

3 Apr 2008, 17:40
2h 20m
Nishina Hall (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

RIKEN Nishina Center

RIKEN Wako, Japan
Board: 2
Poster Exotic deformation / new collective motion at low and high spin Poster


Mr Nguyen Quang Hung (Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center)


The effects of angular momentum on pairing in nuclei are studied within the so-called FTBCS1 theory, which is an extension of the finite-temperature BCS theory including the thermal fluctuations such as quasiparticle-number fluctuations (QNF). For simplicity, the angular momentum projection M is introduced instead of the total one. The numerical calculations are carried out within a doubly degenerate equidistant model with a constant pairing interaction G. The results obtained show that, at constant values of M, the pairing gaps given by the FTBCS1 theory do not collapse at critical temperature Tc as predicted by the conventional FTBCS one but decrease monotonously with increasing temperature T. At high enough values of M, there appears the so-called thermally assisted pairing correlation or anomalous pairing, in which the pairing gap is zero at T < Tc1 and reappears at T = Tc1 and remains finite at T > Tc1. These features are caused by the QNF within the FTBCS1 theory.

Primary author

Mr Nguyen Quang Hung (Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center)


Dr Nguyen Dinh Dang (Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center)

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