3–5 Apr 2008
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Spectroscopy of A=30~40 Neutron-Rich Nuclei via Fusion-Evaporation Reactions at JAEA

3 Apr 2008, 16:00
Nishina Hall (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

RIKEN Nishina Center

RIKEN Wako, Japan
Presentation Exotic deformation / new collective motion at low and high spin Exotic Deformation


Dr Tsuneyasu Morikawa (Department of Physics, Kyushu University)


Progress of the RI beam physics has revealed the new interesting phenomena such as neutron halo and island of inversion. Theoretically, the breakdown of the well-known N = 20 magic number in the island of inversion is interpreted in term of the lowering of 2p-2h energy gap. Experimentally, however, the knowledge on the nuclear structure is so far limited to ground states and lowest-lying states due to their production methods. In order to explore further the nuclear structure, the findings on the high-spin states is also indispensable since the shell structure is also strongly dependent on the nuclear rotation and deformation. Furthermore, the nuclear deformation can rapidly evolve as the angular momentum increases. Thus, the systematic high-spin study towards the island of inversion is of great interest. We will present some experimental results on Tz ~< 2 nuclei in this region produced by heavy-ion induced fusion evaporation reactions.

Primary author

Dr Tsuneyasu Morikawa (Department of Physics, Kyushu University)


Dr Akihiko Osa (JAEA) Dr Atsushi Kimura (JAEA) Dr Eiji Ideguchi (CNS, University of Tokyo) Prof. Hideshige Kusakari (Chiba University) Dr Jun Goto (Niigata University) Dr Kazuyoshi Furutaka (JAEA) Mr Masahiko Nakamura (JAEA) Prof. Masahiko Sugawara (Chiba Institute of Technology) Dr Masumi Oshima (JAEA) Dr Minliang Liu (CNS, University of Tokyo) Dr Mitsuo Koizumi (JAEA) Prof. Shiro Mitarai (Kyushu University) Dr Yong Zheng (CNS, University of Tokyo) Dr Yosuke Toh (JAEA) Dr Yuichi Hatsukawa (JAEA)

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