3–5 Apr 2008
RIKEN Nishina Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Development of CNS GRAPE and experiments at RIBF

4 Apr 2008, 15:15
Nishina Hall (RIKEN Nishina Center)

Nishina Hall

RIKEN Nishina Center

RIKEN Wako, Japan
Presentation Development of detectors and experimental methods Advanced gamma-ray detector


Dr Eiji Ideguchi (CNS, University of Tokyo)


We have been developing a position sensitive germanium (Ge) detector array, CNS GRAPE (Gamma-Ray detector Array with Position and Energy sensitivity) for high-resolution in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy using RI beams. In order to correct for the Doppler broadening effect from the fast moving reaction products, the array was designed to have position sensitivities in the Ge crystal by using the pulse shape analysis techniques. The total array consists of 18 detectors and each of which contains two Ge planar crystals with effective radius of 3 cm and thickness of 2 cm. The outer side of each crystal has 3×3 electrodes [1]. The planar structure and the segmenting electrodes bring us different pulse shapes depending on the depth of interaction. The resolution of less than 1% for v/c = 0.3 can be achieved after Doppler shift correction. The total efficiency of 5 % for 1 MeV gamma ray is expected. This array will be used at RIBF facility for the in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy. In the talk, present status of CNS GRAPE and experiments and future develpment will be discussed. [1] S. Shimoura, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 525 (2004) 188.

Primary author

Dr Eiji Ideguchi (CNS, University of Tokyo)


Dr Hidetada Baba (RIKEN) Mr Megumi Niikura (CNS, University of Tokyo) Dr Meiko Kurokawa (RIKEN) Dr Shin'ichiro Michimasa (CNS, University of Tokyo) Mr Shinsuke Ota (CNS, University of Tokyo) Prof. Susumu Shimoura (CNS, University of Tokyo) Dr Tomonori Fukuchi (RIKEN)

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