The availability of large volume LaBr3:Ce detectors has generated, in the scientific community addressing nuclear structure problems with experiments using scintillator, a large interest. Indeed, its properties make it the best scintillation crystal for -detection and -spectroscopy and a possible alternative or complementary system to HPGe array.
The group of Milano has been conducting since 2007 an R&D activity on these detectors. The activity is focused to the construction of an array of large volume 3.5” x 8” LaBr3:Ce detectors for -spectroscopy in nuclear structure experiments. Inside this project the following activities are carried out:
• Linearity, energy and time resolution for different PMTs
• Response to high energy gamma rays measured up to 15.1 MeV
• Internal radioactivity measurement
• Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) for linearity correction
• Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) for particle identification measurements
• Digital/Analogical board development
• Position Sensitivity and gamma imaging in a continuous crystal
• GEANT simulations and scintillation light tracking
A summary of these activities and an overview of the results will be presented.