21 / 21
- gregory bizarri
Franco Camera
- Speaker at R&D on large volume LaBr3:Ce detectors
- Nerine Cherepy
- P. Chowdhury
- Dolores Cortina (Universidad de Santiagio de Compostela)
Pieter Doornenbal
- Speaker at Lifetime Measurements with SHOGUN
- Speaker at Status of SHOGUN Spectrometer Simulations
Hideo Harada
- Speaker at Neutron Capture Study and LaBr3 spectrometer
- Jongwon Hwang
- Eiji Ideguchi
- takeshi koike
- Shunsuke Kurosawa
- Jenny Lee
- Augusto Macchiavelli (Nuclear Science Division - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Adam Maj
- Speaker at The PARIS project – status and next steps
- Benedicte Million
- Oliver Roberts
Hiroyoshi Sakurai
(RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science)
- Speaker at Short Introduction of the RIBF
Heiko Scheit
- Speaker at Closing
- Speaker at Opening
- Speaker at The SHOGUN gamma-ray spectrometer
- Satoshi TAKEUCHI
- Hiroshi Watanabe
- Dirk W Weisshaar