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- Indico Weeks View
mixing of different parity states
dilute nuclear matter => strong pairing correlations
localization in coordinate space =>large relative momentum between two neutron emission
3body model => core+n s.p.energy is an important information
2 neutron opening angle => core excitation makes B(E1) strength smaller => angle becomes smaller
2+ state in 26O=> a simple pairing model works
knock-out neutron is almost free from FSI
T-matrix calculation
K_{alpha-n}=0.2 di-neutron, 1.0 cigar w/o FSI
0.08 0.5 w FSI
different part of w.f by looking at different k
the s-wave virtual state and p-wave resonance state differ 200keV in energy. The energy resolution -50keV, k~0.05fm^{-1}
(p,pn) to determine s and p amplitudes with phase. Directly we can say di-neutron configurations