One-day intensive workshop on “di-neutron and alpha-cluster correlations in exotic nuclei”

One-day intensive workshop on “di-neutron and alpha-cluster correlations in exotic nuclei” We organize one-day workshop in RIKEN on di-neutron correlations and alpha-cluster correlations in exotic nuclei. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the present status of these problems both in experiment and in theory, especially focusing on RIBF measurements, and to clarify the future perspectives. We would like to have ample time for stimulating discussions as much as possible. Please feel free to join the workshop. H. Sagawa, Y. Kikuchi, T. Uesaka
    • Samurai Experiment, Present status and future: T. Uesaka
    • di-neutron correlations, experiments: Y. Kondo (TIT)
      1. Coulomb breakup
        Efficiency w/o cross talk
        New data 22C 19B
        2.2n correlations in 3-body system
        di-neutron decay (terminology of FSI)⇔di-neutron correlations
        di-neutron decay of 16Be
    • di-neutron correlations, 3-body model theory: K. Hagino (Tohoku)

      mixing of different parity states
      dilute nuclear matter => strong pairing correlations
      localization in coordinate space =>large relative momentum between two neutron emission
      3body model => core+n is an important information
      2 neutron opening angle => core excitation makes B(E1) strength smaller => angle becomes smaller
      2+ state in 26O=> a simple pairing model works

    • 12:00
    • di-neutron correlations , CDCC theory: K. Ogata (RCNP)

      di-neutron decay FSI
      sequential decay => quenched (?)
      back-to-back decay (democratic decay x)
      four-body CDCC:6He+12C
      pseudostate discretization
      CDCC-CSLS method

    • (p,pn) experiment quasi-free knock-out reaction on BORROMIAN nuclei RIBF+SAMURAI+MINOS: Y. Kubota (CNS)

      How can the di-neutron be observed?
      Coherence is well preserved in knout-neutron.
      DWIA might be enough for the high energy (p,pn) reaction
      On shell energy reaction?

    • 15:30
    • ( theory: Y.Kikuchi (RIKEN)

      knock-out neutron is almost free from FSI
      T-matrix calculation
      K_{alpha-n}=0.2 di-neutron, 1.0 cigar w/o FSI
      0.08 0.5 w FSI
      different part of w.f by looking at different k

      the s-wave virtual state and p-wave resonance state differ 200keV in energy. The energy resolution -50keV, k~0.05fm^{-1}

    • Alpha cluster, theory: Y. Enyo (Kyoto)

      Roles of excess neutrons in cluster structures of n-rich nuclei
      Strong and weak coupling clusters
      Triton and 3He clusters?

    • Radii of excited states in 12C and RIBF experiments

      cluster strucuture in 12C
      g.s=2.4fm Ex=7.65MeV 3.47fm
      recent studies of 3alphs radius by nuclear reactions
      diffraction radii +scattering model
      coupled channel calculations to obtain the scattering radius

    • Free discussion

      (p,pn) to determine s and p amplitudes with phase. Directly we can say di-neutron configurations