28 April 2016
Asia/Tokyo timezone
RIKEN iTHES - Tohoku AIMR - Tokyo IIS Joint Symposium
This is a symposium to cerebrate the establishment of the Mathematical Sciences Team in interdisciplinary Theoretical Science (iTHES) Research Group at RIKEN. The symposium is organized jointly with Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) at Tohoku Univ. and Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) at The Univ. of Tokyo.
At this symposium, researchers from various branches of mathematical sciences are invited, including pure mathematics, applied mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical biology.We will also have a keynote lecture and panel discussions to exchange ideas about the future role of mathematics to intertwine different fields and disciplines. All talks are given in Japanese, while the slides are prepared in English.

Dates: April 28 (Thurs.) 2016, 10:00am - 6:00 pm
Venue: RIKEN Wako campus, Suzuki Umetaro Hall (building S01)
Language: Japanese (slides are in English)
Registration deadline: April 25 (Monday), 2016
Poster : (pdf, jpg)
Programme : (Japanese, English)
Contact :  sachiko.dohi@riken.jp

Group photo: (jpg)
Audience photo: (jpg)

10:00 - 10:15  Tetsuo HATSUDA (RIKEN iTHES)
                       Masami WATANABE (MEXT)
                       "Welcome address"
Keynote Lecture (Chair: Sigefumi MORI (IAS, Kyoto))
10:15 - 11:00   Reiko MIYAOKA (Tohoku University)
                        "Math is Everywhere"
Coffee Break   11:00 - 11:15   photo (jpg)

Morning Session (Chair: Kazuyuki AIHARA (IIS, Tokyo)) 
11:15 - 11:45   Masato TAKI (RIKEN iTHES)
                       "String theory as an attempt of polymathematics"
11:45 - 12:15   Takahiro OMI (IIS, The University of Tokyo) 
                       "Probabilistic aftershock forecasting: A Bayesian statistical approach"
Lunch  12:15 - 13:30

Afternoon Session (Chair: Motoko KOTANI (AIMR, Tohoku))
13:30 - 14:00  Shinichiroh MATSUO (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)
                        "Topological phases and K-theory"
14:00 - 14:30   Yuki YOKOKURA (RIKEN iTHES)
                        "Thermodynamic entropy as a Noether invariant"
14:30 - 15:00   Yasuaki HIRAOKA (AIMR, Tohoku University)
                        "Topological data analysis in materials science"
Coffee Break  15:00 - 15:15

Afternoon Session Ⅱ (Chair: Tetsuo HATSUDA (RIKEN iTHES)
15:15 - 15:45   Takuya KANAZAWA (RIKEN iTHES)
                       "Renormalization group for physics with multiple scales"
15:45 - 16:15   Tomoya TAKEUCHI (IIS, The University of Tokyo)
                       "Augmented Lagrangian methods for Convex Optimization"
16:15 - 16:45   Takashi OKADA (RIKEN)
                        "Response-perturbation relation and network topology in chemical  
                           reaction systems

Coffee Break  16:45 - 17:00

Panel Discussions 17:00 - 18:00     photo (jpg)
        Tetsuo HATSUDA (RIKEN iTHES)
        Motoko KOTANI (AIMR, Tohoku) (pdf)
        Kazuyuki AIHARA (IIS, Tokyo) (pdf)
        Akita TAKADA (Asashi Glass) (jpg1,jpg2,jpg3)
        Atsushi MOCHIZUKI (RIKEN iTHES) (pdf)
        Tatsuhiko TSUNODA (RIKEN IMS)
        Takemasa MIYOSHI (RIKEN AICS)
Informal discussions  18:30- 

Organized by
Motoko KOTANI (AIMR, Tohoku University)
Kazuyuki AIHARA (IIS, The University of Tokyo)
Shigefumi MORI (Instituite for Advanced Study, Kyoto University)
Sponsored by
interdisciplinary Theoretical Science (iTHES) Research Group, RIKEN 
Advanced Institute for Maerials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University
Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo