RIKEN, Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science, Wako, Saitama, Japan
1st Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
This is the first announcement of the 8th High Power Targetry Workshop, which will be hosted by RIKEN and J-PARC and will take place at RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science, Wako, Saitama, Japan, from Nov. 6th to Nov. 10th, 2023.
The HPT Workshop brings together scientists and engineers from the international community for particle accelerator targetry. Applications include neutrino facilities, neutron facilities, radioactive ion beam facilities, material irradiation facilities, accelerator driven systems, and precision experiments for rare processes. This workshop will be conducted in-person.
Important dates:
- 2023/06/10 - 08/17 (extended) Abstract submission
- ~2023/06/30 VISA information form (if you need temporary visitor VISA,)
- 2023/08/31 Oral or poster acceptance
- 2023/09/10 - 10/15 Early registration
- 2023/10/1 Program announcement
- 2023/10/16 - 10/25 Late registration
- 2023/10/20 2nd Circular
- 2023/11/06 - 11/10 Workshop
Conference Web page:
Please visit the conference web page for detailed information:
Conference Venue:
The conference will take place at the large conference room on the second floor of the Administrative Headquarters. The registration desk is located at the foyer of the main conference room. When you arrive at the RIKEN campus, please make a brief stop at the west gate of the campus to get your temporary ID card. The guard will check to see if you are listed in the participant list. Then please come to the Administrative Headquarters (C00 in the MAP ( https://www.riken.jp/en/access/wako-map/#campus_map ) near the west gate.
Scientific Program:
Overview talks and contributions will cover current research and challenges both from the target maker’s perspective as well as from the experimenter’s point of view. Participants are invited to submit their contributions covering one of the following topics or related subjects. Themes for the workshop include:
1. R&D to support concepts
R&D: target physics, testing and material
2. Radiation damage in target material and related simulations
Radiation damage simulation and databases
3. Post-irradiation examination
PIE results, feedback to R&D and design, experimental technologies
4. Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts
Target design and optimization by numerical simulations
5. Target facility challenges
Facility radioprotection, remote handling, lifecycle challenges
6. Construction, fabrication, inspection, quality assurance
Integration, feedback/experience
7. Operation of targets and beam dumps
Operational experience, instrumentation and monitoring, maintenance
8. Multipurpose use of targets and beam dumps
Beam dump facilities for irradiation and particle generation
Time will be available for open discussion, and we would welcome suggestions of suitable topics. For those who are interested in establishing inter-laboratory collaborations, we may provide support to organize satellite meetings.
Tentative schedule:
#Short oral presentation session will be included in the first half hour in the poster session.
Instructions to Speakers:
Abstracts can be submitted to the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) through the following URL:
Abstracts should have appropriate length (less than 500 words for text), including title, author(s), affiliation(s), reference(s). They will be edited and reformatted by the LOC to make an abstract booklet. The abstracts should be submitted before August 10, 2023.
The details on presentations will be appear in the 2rd announcement.
Registration Fee for participant: ¥45,000 (early registration), ¥50,000 (late registration) and ¥35, 000 (student)
It Includes:
- Lunch (11/6-11/10)
- Welcome reception.
- Banquet with excursion
- Coffee break
Registration Fee for accompanying person: ¥15,000
It Includes:
- Welcome reception
- Banquet with excursion
The online registration will open on Sept. 10th 2023. On-site credit card (Visa, Master Card, etc.) payment is available. Regardless of participation or non-participation of each item, the registration fee is a flat fee.
Information on how to reach RIKEN Wako-campus is available in the following web site.
Hotel Information:
There are three hotels near Wako-station as listed below:
- Wakoshi Tobu Hotel (https://www.tobuhotel.co.jp/wako/en/ )
- Super Hotel Saitama, Wako-shi Ekimae (https://www.superhoteljapan.com/en/s-hotels/wako/ )
- Toyoko Inn Wako-shi Ekimae (https://www.toyoko-inn.com/eng/search/detail/00090 )
It is encouraged to have reservation as soon as possible. From Wako-shi station It takes 15 minutes to get to RIKEN Nishina Center by walk. You can find many hotels at Ikebukuro area through the web sites for hotel booking such as Expedia and Hotels.com. From Ikebukuro station to Wako-shi station it takes 12 minutes by Tobu-Tojo line or Metro Fukutoshin line as shown in the Map. If you have any problems in finding your hotels please contact with the LOC.
You might require a “Temporary Visitor VISA”. Please visit the following website to see if you are a candidate: Exemption of visa (short-term stay) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan ( http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/short/novisa.html ).
To obtain official documents for visa application issued by the Local Organizing Committee of the HPTW meeting to be held in Japan:
Please send us (hptw2023-loc@ml.j-parc.jp ) the complete VISA information form as instructed ASAP. below no later than June 30, 2023.
#Application check sheet (please fill out completely)
#Consent form for handling personal information based on GDPR (If you are working in Europe)
Contact with LOC to get the application check sheet and the consent. The LOC will send you them with a sample.
#CV(Working history needed, without publication list)
#A copy of your passport
#The name and location of the Japanese embassy or consulate where you will submit the visa application.
It will take about a month for the HPTW2020 meeting secretariat to process official documents for VISA application after receiving your VISA information form. All the documents will be issued by RIKEN (http://www.riken.jp/en/ ). You must reserve airline tickets and book a hotel to in advance to obtain official VISA documents.
It is your responsibility to make appropriate action to obtain the VISA on time.
Social program:
Welcome reception
Welcome reception will be held on Monday evening at cafeteria of the RIKEN Wako campus. The reception will include light snacks and drinks.
Lunch boxes will be prepared for the participant every day.
Banquet with excursion
We are planning a short excursion to Kawagoe city, Saitama prefecture. Kawagoe is a town of history retaining the culture and old town atmosphere of Edo (https://www.koedo.or.jp/en/ ). Banquet will be held at the traditional Japanese restaurant, “Ryotei Yamaya” ( https://ryoutei-yamaya.com/en/#id1 ). A selection of authentic Japanese cuisine will be provided. Don’t worry about “seiza (sitting straight)” in this restaurant because tables and chairs will be prepared to enjoy the dinners.
Labo tour
We invite you to Lab tour at RIKEN Wako campus. You will have the chance to visit our experiment facility and research environment etc.
Contact Information:
E-mail address: hptw2023-loc@ml.j-parc.jp.
Postal address
Dr. Hiroki Okuno(Chair)
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (RNC),
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, JAPAN
Scientific Program Committee: |
Local Organizing Committee: |
C.Boehlert (MSU/CHEM) |
T. Naoe (JAEA/J-PARC) |
M. Calviani (CERN) |
H. Okuno (RIKEN) |
H. Okuno (Chair) |
S. Makimura (Co-chair) |
Y. Dai (PSI) |
F. Pellemoine (FiNAL) |
T. Adachi |
M. Futakawa |
C. Densham (STFC/RAL) |
C. Stodel (GANIL) |
H. Hasebe |
K. Haga |
A. Gottberg (TRIUMF) |
T. Stora (CERN) |
H. Imao |
N. Kawamura |
P. Hurh (FNAL) |
H. Weick (GSI) |
Y. Miyake |
T. Matsubara |
D. Kim (BNL) |
D. Winder (ORNL) |
T. Nishi |
T. Naoe |
Y. Lee (ORNL) |
M. Wohlmuther (ESS) |
K. Sakuma |
S. Saito |
A. Uchiyama |
H. Takahashi |
K. Yoshida |