- David Senor (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
The CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is equipped with two external beam dumps, designed in order to absorb the entire energy of the accelerator, which reached 320 MJ/dump during LHC Run2 (2015-2018). During that period several operational challenges were encountered in the operation of the dumps; several mitigation measures were implemented in the spare dumps during Long Shutdown 2...
Spallation materials researches have been performed at PSI for more than 20 years. The activities are dominated by the SINQ Target Irradiation Program (STIP) and the post-irradiation examination (PIE) of STIP specimens. In the past five years, the 8th irradiation experiment of STIP (STIP-VIII) has been successfully carried out and some irradiated specimens of steel, tungsten, zircaloys and...