- Hiroshi Imao (RIKEN)
Following the 2020 update of the Strategy for Particle Physics, CERN initiated, under the auspices of the European Large National Laboratories Directors Group (LDG) a new International collaboration to progress on the feasibility studies of a Muon Collider at 10+ TeV with the goal of publishing a pre-CDR report in time for the next ESPPU at the end of the decade. The Collaboration elaborated...
Astatine-211 with the half-life of T1/2 = 7.214 h is one of the promising radionuclides for targeted α-particle therapy (TAT) [1]. The 5.87- and 7.45-MeV α-particle emissions occur in intensities of 41.8% and 58.2%, respectively, associated with the 211At decay. Due to the proper ranges of these α-particles in tissue, the 211At-labeled medicine is effective in killing cancer cells. 211At is...
Electron-beam-driven RI separator for SCRIT (ERIS) [1] was constructed as an online isotope separator (ISOL) system that is dedicated to produce a radioactive isotope (RI) beam for the SCRIT (Self-Confinement RI Target) electron scattering facility [2] at RIKEN RI Beam Factory. Electron scattering is one of the best ways to accurately understand the internal structure of atomic nuclei. The aim...
The ISAC facility’s RIB production scheme enables the irradiation and PIE of secondary (parasitic) targets under high power beam conditions (500 MeV, 100 μA), with potential for a wide range of investigations. Over recent years, ISAC has successfully commissioned and routinely operated secondary targets, seamlessly integrating a secondary irradiation program into the primary RIB target...