P04 Type-I burst as a probe to XRB accretion

19 Nov 2018, 17:18
Sagamihara campus room 1236 (JAXA ISAS)

Sagamihara campus room 1236


3-1-1 Yoshino-dai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan
Contributed poster Poster Short Presentations


Dr Shu Zhang (IHEP)


Although corona has been being well used in modelling accretion of XRBs, especially on aspects of the spectral state transitions and correlation with launching of a jet, so far its nature is still less known, especially on aspect of the formation mechanism. To probe this puzzle observationally, one has firstly to have a proper probe like the intense short soft X-ray shower, since the corona is in definition less emissive and can only be lighted up with the incident soft X-rays. This probe, however, falls short in BH XRBs, but fits well the thermal nuclear flashes occurring on the NS surface. We therefore took the type-I burst to probe the accompanied disk/corona evolution and obtained an atoll sample which shows that corona can be cooled off by the burst shower. Further studies suggest that, a variety of issues apart from corona can be addressed as well by taking this probe. The current shortage in observations at hard X-rays is the relatively poor statistics of the data, which can be diminished by the HXMT mission.

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