Announcement of Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop (final circular)
This is the final circular of the following workshop in Japan.
Title: Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop,
New eyes on X-ray astrophysical objects with Japanese and Chinese observatories
Date: 19 ~ 21, November 2018
Conference Page: https://indico2.riken.jp/event/2832/
* Access
The conference will be held at ISAS/JAXA, whose postal address is
3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, 252-5210.
The detail information to reach IASS is available on the following page.
When you arrive at ISAS, please get your budge (security card) at
the gate (Guard Station). The meeting place is the room No. 1236
at the second floor of the 'Research/Administration Buildings'
on the following campus map.
Please go straight from the gate to reach the 'Research/Administration Buildings'
and enter the building. The steers to the conference room appear on the left side.
* Registration
The registration desk will open at 9:30 on the first day in front of the
conference room. Please pay the registration fee, 2,000 yen at the desk.
Participants who will join the banquet, please pay the banquet fee also.
* Program & Oral Presentations
The scientific program is available on the conference page.
The presentation time is as follows. Please keep the time schedule.
- Invited oral : 25 min (20 min presentation + 5 min discussion)
- Contributed oral : 15 min (12 min presentation + 3 min discussion)
- Contributed poster : Poster session + oral 1 min (no discussion time)
* Poster Presentation
Poster presenters are asked to show short oral presentations in addition to
the poster presentations. Since the time allocated to oral presentation is short,
we gather the presentation file in PDF by 12 November 2018.
The poster size is limited to the A0 size.
The poster room is near the conference place. The layout is on the conference page.
Please check the following announcement for detail.
* Banquet
The banquet will be held on the 2nd day, 20 Nov 2018, on the cafeteria at ISAS.
The banquet fee is 5,000 yen for staff and 2,000 yen for students.
Please pay the fee at the registration desk on the first day.
No cancelation is allowed; we ask you 100% of the fee in case of the cancellation.
* Lunch
Lunch is available at the cafeteria at ISAS, or you can access several restaurants
around ISAS.
* Group photo
We will take a group photo of the conference in the morning of the 2nd day.
* Facility Tour at ISAS
You can join the tour of facility at ISAS on the 2nd day.
* Internet connection
Wifi access will be available. The detail will be distributed on site.
* Remote Access
If you wish to join the conference remotely, Polycom system is available.
The connection information is on the conference page.
Please contact the LOC on the access key.
the LOC/SOC of Japan-China X-ray astronomical Workshop
9 Nov. 2018