Nov 19 – 21, 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Announcement to Poster presenters

Announcement to Poster presenters of Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop

* The poster size should be no larger than the A0 size.

* Please check the presentation place on the www.

* You are asked to show 1-minutes oral presentation of your poster presentation 
on the “poster short presentation” section on the first day.
Please upload your material in PDF format (2 pages maximum) 
by the noon of 12 October 2018.

Submission page:
Due date:             12 Nov. 2018, 12:00 JST
Style:                    PDF format, 2 pages limit
File name:             ID_Name.pdf, where ID is the poster ID and Name is your family
                             name, (example, P20_Terada.pdf). ID is on the submission page
  Before uploading your PDF file, you need to make your account on the Indico page. 
Please visit the “login” tag on the top left and visit “create one”page, and fill your 
e-mail address which you used in the registration. Then, you will get the activation 
procedure via e-mail and please create your account. 
Please note that you have to wait for a moment to be able to login the page. 
After you login, you can upload your file. 

If you cannot upload your PDF file, please send the material to

                           2 Nov 2018