Announcement of Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop (post circular#2)
Dear participants of the Japan-China X-ray astronomical workshop,
Thank you for sending presentations on the workshop. Now all the oral presentations are available on the conference www page,
All the presentations are protected by the following password.
xxxxxxx (please ask SOC)
On the publication of the proceedings paper,
basically we would like to use these presentation files.
If you have trouble when your presentation is public,
please delete some slides and send the public version again
by 7 December 2018.
For poster presenters, please upload your poster presentations
in PDF format on the indico page (or send it to the LOC ML).
Due: 7 December 2018
* check presentation files to be public (invited, contributed)
* upload poster presentation files (poster)
the LOC/SOC of Japan-China X-ray astronomical Workshop
29 Nov. 2018