Announcement of Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop (3rd circular)
This is the 3rd circular of the following workshop in Japan.
Title: Japan-China X-ray collaboration Workshop,
“New eyes on X-ray astrophysical objects with Japanese and Chinese observatories”
Date: 19 ~ 21, November 2018
Conference Page: https://indico2.riken.jp/event/2832/
The registration page was closed at the end of October 2018 (last night)
and 71 participants were registered in total; we have 21 invited talks,
20 contributed oral presentations, and 24 poster contributions.
The scientific program is available on the conference www page.
For the attendance, please pay the registration fee, 2,000 yen,
at the reception desk on site.
If you plan to join the banquet,
please pay the fee 5,000 yen also at the desk
(We plan to discount the banquet fee for students).
If you have questions or comments, please let us know via e-mail,
the SOC of Japan-China X-ray astronomical Workshop
1 Nov 2018