There are several project using positron sources in KEK.
KEK electron positron injector LINAC has been operating and developing positron sources for high energy collider experiments more than 30 years from Tristan to SuperKEKB.
The source for SuperKEKB is world's most intense and high efficiency positron source now in operation.
To further increase the positron production efficiency and the electron beam transport, a rotating target mounted on a water cooled axis is under development.
Slow positron facility is another world's most intense positron source in this field, which is located in the same tunnel as SuperKEKB positron source.
Recently hundred times intensity upgrade of the facility has been under consideration.
In this project, primary electron beam power will be hundred times increased from 0.5 kW to 50 kW.
A new water cooled rotating target will be designed and installed.
A lot of technologies and experiences obtained in the SuperKEKB project will be fed-back to its design.
And new experiences will again fed-back to the development of the positron source for ILC project which is also a task in KEK.
In the presentation, progress, upgrade plan experiences and challenges on positron sources for each project, SuperKEKB, slow positron facility and ILC, will be summarized to facilitate the collaboration with researchers from other high power particle sources.
Themes for the contribution | 6 Construction, fabrication, inspection, quality assurance: |