IFMIF-DONES will be a unique research infrastructure for the irradiation of materials to be used in future fusion reactors. The facility consists of an accelerator-based neutron source capable of providing an intense neutron flux of $1-5×10^{14}$ $n/cm^2s$ with an energetic broad peak around 14 MeV, allowing to recreate the radiation effects expected in a fusion environment.
This source is produced through the nuclear interaction between an accelerated deuteron beam (40 MeV, 125 mA) and a flowing liquid lithium Target. As a result, a significant power, about 5MW, is deposited continuously in the Target, which is evacuated by its high-speed liquid lithium jet injected at 15 m/s and 300ºC. A closed lithium loop is in charge of continuously supplying this liquid lithium in optimal conditions.
The Target System, which generates and manages the lithium jet, has undergone intensive R&D and design efforts during the last few years. Some of the most relevant challenges include: designing and optimizing the nozzle and back plate, where the lithium jet is generated and offered to the beam; controlling the hydrodynamic stability and pressure gradient of the lithium jet, minimizing wave perturbations on the free surface, which may affect the integrity and performance of the Target; integrating the diagnostics; and optimizing the quench tank, where the lithium is collected and quenched at the outlet of the Target.
Furthermore, the Target System is exposed to extremely harsh working conditions, leading to significant irradiation damage (~25 dpa per full power year under nominal beam conditions). To ensure safety and reliability, a regular yearly replacement strategy for part of the Target System has been established. The implementation of this strategy requires the development of a series of Remote Handling compatible systems for the installation and alignment of the replaceable parts.
This contribution provides an overview of all these aspects, as well as the current engineering design status and related R&D activities.
This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreements No 633053 and 101052200 — EUROfusion). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.
Themes for the contribution | 4 Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts: |