The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) project hosted at Fermilab is building the world’s highest power neutrino beamline for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). The new beamline will utilize 120 GeV protons with a time-averaged beam power of 1.2 MW (upgradeable to 2.4 MW) from the Fermilab Main Injector on a graphite target installed within the bore of a magnetic focusing horn operating with a peak current of 300 kA. The LBNF Beam Targetry systems include the target, an upstream protection baffle, a high-flow helium gas cooling system, and a remotely operated target exchange system. This talk will provide an overview of these systems, the challenges associated with the irradiation environment, interfaces with other beamline systems, and the status and future plans for LBNF Targetry.
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