The ISIS Synchrotron operates two Target Stations (TS). TS1 is the oldest and has been operating for nearly 40 years. TS2 came onstream in 2009 adding an additional suite of instruments for scientific research.
Target Station 2 (TS2) Target receives beam power of 40µA at 800MeV and has a service life of around 2 years. By contrast TS1 target receives beam power of 160µA at 800 MeV and has proved to be more reliable with a service life of around 5 years.
The presentation will show the development of the TS2 Target from the original MK1 design, which had cooling along the outer cylindrical surfaces only and an uncooled front face, through to the current production MK3a, with a water-cooled convex front face, and look forward to the MK4 design.
The MK4 Target is being developed to receive a 50% increase in beam power from 40µA to 60µA.
To handle the increase in beam power the current design will need to change from a single target plate (Tungsten Rod, clad in tantalum) to a multi-plate design with additional water cooling between the plates.
The MK4 will revert to a flat face but will be water-cooled across the front face, unlike the MK1. This will allow for the joining of multiple plates of varying thicknesses with a 2 mm water gap between each plate.
There has been a steady improvement in service life through MK1 to MK3a designs and it is predicted that moving to a flat-face multi-plate design will increase service life further.
Themes for the contribution | 4 Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts: |