6–10 Nov 2023
RIKEN Wako campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Status and R&D of the target and beam dump at FRIB

10 Nov 2023, 10:15
Administrative Headquarters 2F conference room (RIKEN Wako campus)

Administrative Headquarters 2F conference room

RIKEN Wako campus

2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, Japan
Contributed Oral Topic4-3


Dr Jeongseog Song (MSU/FRIB)


The FRIB accelerator, constructed and commissioned in 2021, serves as a pioneering facility to produce rare isotopes and access elements lying beyond stability. In early 2023, FRIB was successfully operated at 5 kW, employing beams of 36Ar, 64Zn, 36Ar and 124Xe directed onto a rotating single-slice graphite target, while effectively absorbing the remaining beam through an S-Shape static beam dump. The primary beam power is now being increased towards 10 kW. The enhanced single-slice graphite target system and the implementation of a minichannel static beam dump will enable the operation at 10 kW and potentially even higher power.
This paper presents the current status and ongoing R&D efforts focused on the target and beam dump systems.

Themes for the contribution 4 Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts:

Primary authors

Dr Jeongseog Song (MSU/FRIB) Mr Marc Reaume (MSU/FRIB) Mr Nathan Bultman (NSU/FRIB) Dr Mohit Patil (MSU/FRIB) Dr Raul Quispe-Abad (MSU/FRIB) Dr Jie Wei (MSU/FRIB)

Presentation materials