The ECN3 underground cavern at CERN’s SPS North Area offers unique opportunities in terms of intensity, energy and infrastructure for potential high-impact particle physics programmes that are complementary to the energy frontier and that are in line with the ESPPU 2020 recommendations. There is a strong interest to fully exploit the SPS for Fixed Target physics, which has resulted in the PBC Study Group focusing on siting a future high intensity experimental facility in ECN3. Several proposals for physics experiments including BDF/SHiP, HIKE and SHADOWS are being considered. The given experiments require substantially different facility designs and have, as a consequence, different RP implications and optimization needs.
The implementation of a high intensity facility in ECN3 has therefore undergone a series of exhaustive radiation protection (RP) studies for each proposed experiment and the different modes they operate in. These studies have been aimed at optimising the implementation in TCC8 and ECN3 to ensure that the exposure to radiation of personnel and members of the public, as well as the radiological impact on the environment, would be compliant with CERN’s RP code and as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The optimization takes into account the prompt and residual radiation, soil activation and transfer of activation products to groundwater, air/He activation and environmental impact. To assess the above-mentioned radiation protection aspects, extensive simulations were performed with the CERN FLUKA Monte Carlo particle transport code. The status of the RP assessments and design optimization will be presented for the various experiments proposed at ECN3. The present studies will be followed by a Technical Design Report phase after the approval of an experiment.
Themes for the contribution | 5 Target facility challenges: |