The collimation system of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been designed to ensure that beam losses in superconducting magnets remain below quench limits in all operational phases. Their jaws constrain the relativistic, high-energy particles to a very small transverse area and protect the machine aperture.
Collimators are organised in families. Primary (TCP) collimators define the collimation cut; secondary (TCS) collimators intercept beam particles scattered by TCPs, and shower absorbers (TCLAs) intercept the most forward secondary particles from TCPs and TCSGs. Tertiary collimators (TCT) offer local protection to the inner triplets (ITs) in IR1, IR2, IR5 and IR8, and reduce the background to the experimental detectors.
More than 100 collimators are installed in the LHC, of different types and functions and with more than 400 degrees of freedom for precise positioning with respect to the LHC beams. The present collimation system features momentum cleaning, located in the insertion region 3 (IR3), and betatron cleaning, located in IR7 with the last stages in the experimental IRs for local protection. By safely disposing of the particle losses, the collimators protect the delicate elements of the machine, help reduce the total dose on the accelerator equipment and optimize the background for the experiments.
Overall, this contribution provides a comprehensive overview of the role, functions, and upgrade requirements of the LHC collimation system in the context of the HL-LHC project. It outlines the challenges and objectives related to collimator design and implementation.
Themes for the contribution | 4 Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts: |