Within the scope of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project at CERN, a significant redesign of the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) beam dump has been undertaken, accompanied by a relocation within the accelerator. The new device has been installed during the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) in 2019-2020 and has been successfully operating since May 2021.
The revamped beam dump was designed to effectively absorb proton beams with energies ranging between 14 and 450 GeV/c, carrying a beam power of up to 270 kW.
Following LS2, the accelerator started operation with the average beam power intercepted by the dump increasing gradually up to approximately 100 kW.
The device’s design and construction incorporate features engineered to efficiently dissipate the thermal power deposited by the beam. Furthermore, an array of temperature sensors has been strategically positioned throughout the core of the dump to monitor its behaviour under diverse operational scenarios, thereby providing a basis for validating the numerical models employed for simulating the dump's performance.
This contribution consists in an overview of the main design features of this device, and the return of experience of operation. Specifically, the temperature readings at different locations and under different beam conditions will be compared with the values obtained from numerical simulations.
Themes for the contribution | 4 Target design, analysis, and validation of concepts: |