Venue: RIKEN Okochi hall, Building C32 in the RIKEN campus map.
You need to be registered to enter RIKEN; after entering through the West gate, receive your temporary ID badge at the Gate house and head for Okochi hall, building C32:
Yuji Goto (co-chair, RIKEN), Taku Gunji (co-chair, CNS, U. of Tokyo), Ralf Seidl(RIKEN), Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima U.), Yasushi Watanabe (RIKEN), Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National U.), Yongsun Kim (Sejong U.), Chia-Ming Kuo (NCU), Yi Yang (NCKU)
Hotel Toyoko Inn Wako-shi Ekimae
Super Hotel Saitama, in front of Wako Station
Tobu hotel