[RIBF-ULIC-Symposium-010]International Symposium on Perspective in Isospin Physics ~Role of non-central interactions in structure and dynamics of unstable nuclei~

RIBF Bldg.2F Conference Hall (RIKEN Nishina Center)

RIBF Bldg.2F Conference Hall

RIKEN Nishina Center

Recent experimental and theoretical researches of unstable nuclei have revealed that spin-dependent non-central interactions play significant roles in their structure and dynamics. The symposium focuses on phenomena related to the non-central interactions, such as spin-orbit, tensor, and three-nucleon interactions. The symposium will cover following topics: ・ Spin-orbit coupling and its evolution ・ Clustering phenomena ・ Spin giant resonances ・ EoS and symmetry energy ・ Reaction This symposium is a satellite meeting of the 20th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics ( http://www.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/fb20/ ) held at Fukuoka. Date: 2012/08/27--28 Place: RIBF Conference Hall, RIKEN Organizers: T. Uesaka (co-chair, RNC), N. Itagaki (co-chair, YITP), H. Sagawa (Aizu/RNC), Y. Suzuki (Niigata/RNC), M. Sasano (RNC), H. Nakada (Chiba), T. Kawabata (Kyoto)
*for RIBF ULIC administration -- Application Form
*for RIBF ULIC administration -- Report
1st announcement
Access to the RIKEN RIBF building
Scientific program (text format)
Tips for access to the RIBF hall (text format)
  • Akihisa KOHAMA
  • Chunlin Bai
  • Didier BEAUMEL
  • Gaute Hagen
  • Haozhao Liang
  • Hideaki Otsu
  • Hideki UENO
  • hiriaki matsubara
  • Hiroshi Masui
  • Hiroyuki Sagawa
  • Hitoshi Nakada
  • Kazuko Sugawara-Tanabe
  • Kiyomi IKEDA
  • Koichi Sato
  • Kouhei Washiyama
  • Masaki Sasano
  • Masatoshi Itoh
  • Megumi Niikura
  • Mizuki Nishimura
  • Naoyuki Itagaki
  • Petr Navratil
  • Satoru Terashima
  • Satoshi Sakaguchi
  • Satoshi TAKEUCHI
  • Shigeru Kubono
  • Shoichiro Kawase
  • Susumu Shimoura
  • Tadaaki Isobe
  • Takahiro KAWABATA
  • takashi nakatsukasa
  • Takayuki Myo
  • Takenori Furumoto
  • Tomohiro Uesaka
  • Tomoko IWANAMI
  • Wataru Horiuchi
  • Yasuyuki Suzuki
  • Yosuke Kondo
  • Yuki Kubota
  • Monday 27 August
    • Opening remarks
      • 1
        Opening remark from ULIC
        Speaker: Dr hideki ueno (RNC)
      • 2
        Opening remark from organizers
        Speaker: Dr Tomohiro Uesaka (CNS, University of Tokyo)
    • Light neutron-rich nuclei
      • 3
        Calculations with chiral forces in no-core shell model with continuum
        Speaker: Prof. Petr Navratil (TRIUMF)
      • 4
        Study of neutron-rich nuclei via the heavy-ion double-charge reaction
        Speaker: Mr Motonobu Takaki (CNS)
      • 5
        Experimental study of unstable nuclei near the neutron drip line
        Speaker: Dr Yosuke KONDO (RIKEN Nishina Center)
      • 6
        Role of tensor force in light unstable nuclei
        Speaker: Prof. Takayuki Myo (Osaka Institute of Technology)
    • 12:10
      Lunch break
    • Gamow-Teller transitions
      • 7
        (p,n) reaction on N=Z unstable nuclei in inverse kinematics
        Speaker: Masaki Sasano (RIKEN Nishina Center)
      • 8
        Role of isoscalar pairing in N=Z nuclei
        Speaker: Chulin Bai (Situan)
      • 9
        Mean-field calculation including proton-neutron mixing -- toward proton-neutron pairing --
        Speaker: Dr Koichi Sato (RIKEN Nishina Center)
    • 15:00
      Coffee break
    • Spin giant resonances
      • 10
        Beta+ charge-exchange spin monopole excitations studied via the (t,3He) and (n,p) reactions at 300MeV/u
        Speaker: Dr Kenjiro Miki (RCNP, Osaka University)
      • 11
        Fine structure of spin-dipole excitations in covariant density
        Speaker: Dr H. Z. Liang (RIKEN Nishina Center)
      • 12
        Study of spin-isospin excitations via the (p,n) reaction with spin observables
        Speaker: Dr M. Dozono (RIKEN Nishina Center)
  • Tuesday 28 August
    • Cluster structures
      • 13
        Cluster-Shell Competition driven by LS and Tensor Interaction
        Speaker: Prof. H. Masui (Kitami)
      • 14
        Measurement of decay α particles from cluster states in 12C ~ toward the study of unstable nuclei ~
        Speaker: Masatoshi Ito (Tohoku University, CYRIC)
      • 15
        Tensor correlations in light nuclear systems
        Speaker: Prof. W. Horiuchi (Hokkaido Univ.)
    • 12:00
      Lunch break
    • Single particle states
      • 16
        The role of continuum and three-nucleon forces in neutron rich nuclei
        Speaker: Prof. Gaute Hagen (ORNL/Tennessee)
      • 17
        Experimental study of single-particle levels in Oxygen isotopes
        Speaker: Mr Shoichiro Kawase (CNS, Univ. of Tokyo)
      • 18
        Recent results from single-particle states spectroscopy using the (d,p) transfer reaction
        Speaker: Prof. D. Beaumel (Orsay/RIKEN)
    • 15:00
      Coffee break
    • Shell structures
      • 19
        Gamma-ray spectroscopy at RIBF
        Speaker: Dr Satoshi TAKEUCHI (RIKEN Nishina Center)
      • 20
        Tensor-force driven shell evolution in correlated nuclei
        Speaker: Dr Yutaka Utsuno (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)