ICNT workshop "Physics of exotic nuclei: Theoretical advances and challenges"

Meeting room (435, 437), Main Research Building (RIKEN Wako Campus)

Meeting room (435, 437), Main Research Building

RIKEN Wako Campus

2-1 Hirosawa Wakoshi 351-0198 Japan
Radioactive-isotope-beam facilities of new generation provide exciting future for low-energy nuclear physics. To make the most of these opportunities to extend our understanding of the nature and the universe, extensive collaboration between theory and experiment is indispensible. In June 1-6, 2014, the second conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014) will be held in Tokyo. This is the flagship conference in the relevant field and we expect a large number of participants from all over the world to participate in the conference. Utilizing this occasion, this ICNT workshop is organized as a satellite activity. The workshop will provide a nice opportunity to further extend discussion during the ARIS2014 conference. We are planning to set up two major topics associated with theoretical efforts in physics of exotic nuclei: "Ab-initio approaches to nuclear structure" and "Iterative methods in nuclear structure calculations". On each day, we plan to have a limited number of talks, with a plenty of discusion time.